![황태희 프로필사진](/profileImg/thumb_faba724e2a441b94d15f805f0c31ef0d.png)
- 황태희 Whang Taehee
- Campus : Seoul Campus
- Department : Department of Political Science and Diplomacy
- Tel : 02)2123-5949
- Office : Yonhee Hall 307-1
Yonsei University, Political Science and International Studies
Associate Dean of College of Social Science, March 2018 to present
Professor (tenured), March 2018 to present
Chair of the Department, March 2016 to February 2018
Associate Professor, March 2015 to February 2018
Korea University, Division of International Studies
Associate Professor, March 2014 to February 2015
Assistant Professor, September 2012 to February 2014
Texas A&M University, Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor, September 2007 to 2012
Columbia University, Department of Political Science
Visiting Predoc Scholar, 2006-2007
Associate Dean of College of Social Science, March 2018 to present
Professor (tenured), March 2018 to present
Chair of the Department, March 2016 to February 2018
Associate Professor, March 2015 to February 2018
Korea University, Division of International Studies
Associate Professor, March 2014 to February 2015
Assistant Professor, September 2012 to February 2014
Texas A&M University, Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor, September 2007 to 2012
Columbia University, Department of Political Science
Visiting Predoc Scholar, 2006-2007
International Relations :
international economic sanctions, international development cooperation,
domestic politics and international conflict, human rights
Comparative Politics:
Politics of Northeast Asia, North Korea
Political Methodology and Formal Theory :
fully structural statistical estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, game theory, automated text analysis
international economic sanctions, international development cooperation,
domestic politics and international conflict, human rights
Comparative Politics:
Politics of Northeast Asia, North Korea
Political Methodology and Formal Theory :
fully structural statistical estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, game theory, automated text analysis
Ph.D., Political Science, University of Rochester, 2007
M.A., Political Science, University of Rochester, 2004
M.A., Politics, New York University, 2001
B.A., in Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1999
M.A., Political Science, University of Rochester, 2004
M.A., Politics, New York University, 2001
B.A., in Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1999
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. Forthcoming. “Economic Sanctions and Government Spending Adjustments: The Case of Disaster Preparedness” British Journal of Political Science.
• Whang, Taehee, Youngwan Kim, Jung Taek Han, and Hannah June Kim. Forthcoming. “US Foreign Aid and Economic Policy Concessions” Policy Studies
• Whang, Taehee, Michael Lammbrau, and Hyungmin Joo. 2018. “Detecting Patterns in North Korean Military Provocations: What Machine-learning Tells Us” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 18(2):193–220
• Kim, Youngwan and Taehee Whang. 2018. “Non-governmental Organizations and Economic Sanctions” International Political Science Review 39(2):209–224
• Kim, Youngwan and Taehee Whang. 2017. “Political Economy of President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)” Global Economic Review 46(4):441-463.
• Whang, Taehee, Michael Lammbrau, and Hyungmin Joo. 2017. “Talking to Whom? Changing Audiences of North Korean Nuclear Tests: Supervised Machine-Learning Analysis of the KCNA” Social Science Quarterly 98(3):976-992
• Huang, Min-Hua, Taehee Whang, and Lei Xuchuan. 2017. “The Internet, Social Capital, and Civic Engagement in Asia” Social Indicators Research 132(2):559-578
• Whang, Taehee and Hannah June Kim. 2015. “International Signaling and Economic Sanctions” International Interactions 41(3):427-452
• Kurizaki, Shuhei and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Detecting Audience Costs in International Disputes” International Organization 69(4): 949-980
• Kim, Youngwan, Changrok Soh, and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Human Rights, Official Development Assistance (ODA), and Globalization: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Case of South Korea” Korea Observer 46(1):27–51
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Designing Foreign Policy: Voters, Special Interest Groups, and Sanction Policies” Journal of Peace Research 51(5):589–602
• Bas, Muhammet, Curtis Signorino, and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Knowing One’s Future Preferences: A Correlated Agent Model with Bayesian Updating” Journal of Theoretical Politics 26(1):3–34
• Whang, Taehee, Elena McLean, and Doug Kuberski. 2013. “Information, Coercion, and the Success of Sanction Threats” American Journal of Political Science 57(1):65–81
• Whang, Taehee. 2011. “Playing to the Home Crowd? Symbolic Use of Economic Sanctions in the United States” International Studies Quarterly 55(3):787–801
• Chung, Jin Young and Taehee Whang. 2011. “Impact of Low Cost Carriers on the Island Tourism and Economies” Journal of Transport Geography 19(6):1335–1340
• Whang, Taehee. 2010. “Empirical Implications of Signaling Models: Estimation of Belief Updating in International Crisis Bargaining” Political Analysis 18(3):381–402
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2010. “Friends or Foes? Major Trading Partners and the Success of Economic Sanctions” International Studies Quarterly 54(2):427–447
• Whang, Taehee. 2010. “Structural Estimation of Economic Sanctions: From Initiation to Outcomes” Journal of Peace Research 47(5):561–573
-- Huang, Min-Hua, Alex Tan, and Taehee Whang. 2013. “Explaining Political Volatility in Asian Democracies” Asian Politics and Policy 5(4): 609–626
2. PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES (연구재단 등재지 및 기타)
• 박재석, 황태희. 2018. “핵무기 보유 추진 국가들과 경제제재: 미국의 사례를 중심으로” 한국정치학회보 52(4):103-130.
• 구정우, 남윤창, 황태희. 2018. “인권감수성 예측모형 구축: 데이터마이닝 분석 기법을 중심으로” 사이버커뮤니케이션학보 35(1): 53-110.
• Weatherall, Mark, Min-Hua Huang, and Taehee Whang. 2018. “The Malaise of Globalization in East Asia: Income Inequality, Perceived State Capacity, and Anti-Establishment Attitudes” Korean Journal of International Studies (국제정치논총) 16(1):1-27.
• 황태희, 서정건, 전아영. 2017. “미국 경제제재 분석: 효과성과 특수성을 중심으로” 한국정치학회보. 51(4):191-216
• Bas, Muhammet, Elena McLean, and Taehee Whang. 2017. “Uncertainty in International Crises” Korean Journal of International Studies (국제정치논총) 15(2):71-84.
• 황태희, 주형민, 최우선, 최영준. 2017. “누가 북한을 이해하고 오해하는가? 남북한주민 인식조사 비교분석” 국제정치논총 57(2):243-289.
• Chun, A Young and Taehee Whang. 2017. “Counting Chickens: Examining the Reputation Effects of Economic Sanctions” Korean Political Science Review (한국정치학회보) 51(3):53-79.
• Soyoung Lee and Taehee Whang. 2016. “Damage over Outcome: How Major Interstate Wars Increase Civil War Likelihood” Journal of International Politics (국제관계연구) 21(2):221-247.
• 이유정, Cesar Echevarria, 황태희. 2016. “북한이탈주민의 북한 내 계층인식과 남한 사회 만족도간의 관계” 연구방법논총 1(2): 63-93.
• 최우선, 황태희, 최영준, 주형민. 2016. “통일인식 차이의 원인: 합리주의적 설명” 아세아연구 59(3): 84-112.
• 최영준, 황태희, 최우선, 주형민. 2016. “박근혜 정부의 통일정책의 정책수용성에 대한 실증연구: 2013년과 2015년 국민인식조사 비교” 국제관계연구 21(1): 5-30.
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2016. “Foreign Aid and Government Survival” Korean Journal of International Studies (국제정치논총) 14(2):189-207.
• Kwon, Yewon and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Domestic Constraints and the Imposition of Economic Sanctions” Korean Political Science Review (한국정치학회보) 49(6):39-62.
• Soh, Changrok, Hannah June Kim, and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation in South Korea: Lessons from American and British CSR Policies” Journal of International and Area Studies (국제지역연구) 21(2):99-118
• Oh, Jeong Hun and Taehee Whang. 2014. “The Effects of Government Forms on Exchange Rate Devaluations” East and West Studies (동서연구) 26(1):87–115.
• Whang, Taehee. 2013. “Strategic Choice and Structural Statistical Model in International Relations” Peace Studies (평화연구) 21(2):367–393 (in Korean)
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. Forthcoming. “Economic Sanctions and Government Spending Adjustments: The Case of Disaster Preparedness” British Journal of Political Science.
• Whang, Taehee, Youngwan Kim, Jung Taek Han, and Hannah June Kim. Forthcoming. “US Foreign Aid and Economic Policy Concessions” Policy Studies
• Whang, Taehee, Michael Lammbrau, and Hyungmin Joo. 2018. “Detecting Patterns in North Korean Military Provocations: What Machine-learning Tells Us” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 18(2):193–220
• Kim, Youngwan and Taehee Whang. 2018. “Non-governmental Organizations and Economic Sanctions” International Political Science Review 39(2):209–224
• Kim, Youngwan and Taehee Whang. 2017. “Political Economy of President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)” Global Economic Review 46(4):441-463.
• Whang, Taehee, Michael Lammbrau, and Hyungmin Joo. 2017. “Talking to Whom? Changing Audiences of North Korean Nuclear Tests: Supervised Machine-Learning Analysis of the KCNA” Social Science Quarterly 98(3):976-992
• Huang, Min-Hua, Taehee Whang, and Lei Xuchuan. 2017. “The Internet, Social Capital, and Civic Engagement in Asia” Social Indicators Research 132(2):559-578
• Whang, Taehee and Hannah June Kim. 2015. “International Signaling and Economic Sanctions” International Interactions 41(3):427-452
• Kurizaki, Shuhei and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Detecting Audience Costs in International Disputes” International Organization 69(4): 949-980
• Kim, Youngwan, Changrok Soh, and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Human Rights, Official Development Assistance (ODA), and Globalization: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Case of South Korea” Korea Observer 46(1):27–51
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Designing Foreign Policy: Voters, Special Interest Groups, and Sanction Policies” Journal of Peace Research 51(5):589–602
• Bas, Muhammet, Curtis Signorino, and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Knowing One’s Future Preferences: A Correlated Agent Model with Bayesian Updating” Journal of Theoretical Politics 26(1):3–34
• Whang, Taehee, Elena McLean, and Doug Kuberski. 2013. “Information, Coercion, and the Success of Sanction Threats” American Journal of Political Science 57(1):65–81
• Whang, Taehee. 2011. “Playing to the Home Crowd? Symbolic Use of Economic Sanctions in the United States” International Studies Quarterly 55(3):787–801
• Chung, Jin Young and Taehee Whang. 2011. “Impact of Low Cost Carriers on the Island Tourism and Economies” Journal of Transport Geography 19(6):1335–1340
• Whang, Taehee. 2010. “Empirical Implications of Signaling Models: Estimation of Belief Updating in International Crisis Bargaining” Political Analysis 18(3):381–402
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2010. “Friends or Foes? Major Trading Partners and the Success of Economic Sanctions” International Studies Quarterly 54(2):427–447
• Whang, Taehee. 2010. “Structural Estimation of Economic Sanctions: From Initiation to Outcomes” Journal of Peace Research 47(5):561–573
-- Huang, Min-Hua, Alex Tan, and Taehee Whang. 2013. “Explaining Political Volatility in Asian Democracies” Asian Politics and Policy 5(4): 609–626
2. PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES (연구재단 등재지 및 기타)
• 박재석, 황태희. 2018. “핵무기 보유 추진 국가들과 경제제재: 미국의 사례를 중심으로” 한국정치학회보 52(4):103-130.
• 구정우, 남윤창, 황태희. 2018. “인권감수성 예측모형 구축: 데이터마이닝 분석 기법을 중심으로” 사이버커뮤니케이션학보 35(1): 53-110.
• Weatherall, Mark, Min-Hua Huang, and Taehee Whang. 2018. “The Malaise of Globalization in East Asia: Income Inequality, Perceived State Capacity, and Anti-Establishment Attitudes” Korean Journal of International Studies (국제정치논총) 16(1):1-27.
• 황태희, 서정건, 전아영. 2017. “미국 경제제재 분석: 효과성과 특수성을 중심으로” 한국정치학회보. 51(4):191-216
• Bas, Muhammet, Elena McLean, and Taehee Whang. 2017. “Uncertainty in International Crises” Korean Journal of International Studies (국제정치논총) 15(2):71-84.
• 황태희, 주형민, 최우선, 최영준. 2017. “누가 북한을 이해하고 오해하는가? 남북한주민 인식조사 비교분석” 국제정치논총 57(2):243-289.
• Chun, A Young and Taehee Whang. 2017. “Counting Chickens: Examining the Reputation Effects of Economic Sanctions” Korean Political Science Review (한국정치학회보) 51(3):53-79.
• Soyoung Lee and Taehee Whang. 2016. “Damage over Outcome: How Major Interstate Wars Increase Civil War Likelihood” Journal of International Politics (국제관계연구) 21(2):221-247.
• 이유정, Cesar Echevarria, 황태희. 2016. “북한이탈주민의 북한 내 계층인식과 남한 사회 만족도간의 관계” 연구방법논총 1(2): 63-93.
• 최우선, 황태희, 최영준, 주형민. 2016. “통일인식 차이의 원인: 합리주의적 설명” 아세아연구 59(3): 84-112.
• 최영준, 황태희, 최우선, 주형민. 2016. “박근혜 정부의 통일정책의 정책수용성에 대한 실증연구: 2013년과 2015년 국민인식조사 비교” 국제관계연구 21(1): 5-30.
• McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2016. “Foreign Aid and Government Survival” Korean Journal of International Studies (국제정치논총) 14(2):189-207.
• Kwon, Yewon and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Domestic Constraints and the Imposition of Economic Sanctions” Korean Political Science Review (한국정치학회보) 49(6):39-62.
• Soh, Changrok, Hannah June Kim, and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation in South Korea: Lessons from American and British CSR Policies” Journal of International and Area Studies (국제지역연구) 21(2):99-118
• Oh, Jeong Hun and Taehee Whang. 2014. “The Effects of Government Forms on Exchange Rate Devaluations” East and West Studies (동서연구) 26(1):87–115.
• Whang, Taehee. 2013. “Strategic Choice and Structural Statistical Model in International Relations” Peace Studies (평화연구) 21(2):367–393 (in Korean)
브루스 부에노 데 메스키타, 김우상, 김재한, 황태희 역, 『세계정치론』, 서울: 카오스북, 2015.
• Project on Strengthening Global Capacity of In-House Disaster Prevention Technologies (with National Disaster Management Institute), 2014
• SBS project for Korean Reunification, 2012-2017
• National Research Foundation of Korea Grant for Human Rights (NRF – 2013S1A3A2 055081), 2012-2015
• The Star Lab Fellow, University of Rochester, 2006-2007
• EITM Best Poster Award (Honorable Mention), MPSA, 2006
• University Fellow, University of Rochester, 2001-2005
• Charles E. Lanni Summer Research Fellowship, 2005
• Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Fellowship, 2005
• SBS project for Korean Reunification, 2012-2017
• National Research Foundation of Korea Grant for Human Rights (NRF – 2013S1A3A2 055081), 2012-2015
• The Star Lab Fellow, University of Rochester, 2006-2007
• EITM Best Poster Award (Honorable Mention), MPSA, 2006
• University Fellow, University of Rochester, 2001-2005
• Charles E. Lanni Summer Research Fellowship, 2005
• Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Fellowship, 2005
• International Relations: economic sanctions, international development and cooperation, international conflict, economic policymaking, regional integration, domestic political institutions and international relations
• Methodology/Formal Theory: structural estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, automated text analysis, game theory, Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM)
• Comparative Politics: comparative political economy, politics and economics of Northeast Asia
• Case Studies of International Crisis (G)
• 합리적 선택과 안보 (U)
• 정치학데이터분석 / Applied Data Analysis (U)
• Economic Statecraft: Economic Sanctions and Aid (U, G)
• Quantitative Research Methods (G)
• Bargaining Approach to International Relations (U)
• 국제기구론 / International Organizations (U, G)
• IRC 010 and DISS 112: Research Methods (U, G)
• DISS 121: Understanding Political Science (U)
• DISS 122: Principles of International Relations (U)
• KOICA: World Politics (G)
• POLS 331: Introduction to World Politics
• POLS 429: International Economic Sanctions
• POLS 209: Introduction to Political Science Research
• POLS 602: Quantitative Political Analysis I
• POLS 685: Tools for Quantitative Political Analysis
• POLS 306: War and the Nation State
• POLS 306: International Political Economy
• International Relations, Spring 2013, Asan Academy
• Introduction to American Politics, Summer 2010, Korea University (International Summer Campus)
• Applied Data Analysis, Mark Kayser, Spring 2004
• Political Inquiry, Kevin Clarke, Fall 2003
• Introduction to Comparative Politics, Bonnie Meguid, Spring 2003
• Introduction to International Relations, Kevin Clarke, Fall 2002
• International Relations: economic sanctions, international development and cooperation, international conflict, economic policymaking, regional integration, domestic political institutions and international relations
• Methodology/Formal Theory: structural estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, automated text analysis, game theory, Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM)
• Comparative Politics: comparative political economy, politics and economics of Northeast Asia
• Case Studies of International Crisis (G)
• 합리적 선택과 안보 (U)
• 정치학데이터분석 / Applied Data Analysis (U)
• Economic Statecraft: Economic Sanctions and Aid (U, G)
• Quantitative Research Methods (G)
• Bargaining Approach to International Relations (U)
• 국제기구론 / International Organizations (U, G)
• IRC 010 and DISS 112: Research Methods (U, G)
• DISS 121: Understanding Political Science (U)
• DISS 122: Principles of International Relations (U)
• KOICA: World Politics (G)
• POLS 331: Introduction to World Politics
• POLS 429: International Economic Sanctions
• POLS 209: Introduction to Political Science Research
• POLS 602: Quantitative Political Analysis I
• POLS 685: Tools for Quantitative Political Analysis
• POLS 306: War and the Nation State
• POLS 306: International Political Economy
• International Relations, Spring 2013, Asan Academy
• Introduction to American Politics, Summer 2010, Korea University (International Summer Campus)
• Applied Data Analysis, Mark Kayser, Spring 2004
• Political Inquiry, Kevin Clarke, Fall 2003
• Introduction to Comparative Politics, Bonnie Meguid, Spring 2003
• Introduction to International Relations, Kevin Clarke, Fall 2002
American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Interactions, International Organization, International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, Journal of Theoretical Politics, National Science Foundation, Perspectives on Politics, Political Analysis, Political Research Quarterly, Review of International Political Economy
American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Interactions, International Organization, International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, Journal of Theoretical Politics, National Science Foundation, Perspectives on Politics, Political Analysis, Political Research Quarterly, Review of International Political Economy