- 의과대학
College of Medicine -
- 가정의학교실 / Department of Family Medicine
- 내과학교실 / Department of Internal Medicine
- 마취통증의학교실 / Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- 미생물학교실 / Department of Microbiology
- 방사선종양학교실 / Department of Radiation Oncology
- 법의학과 / Department of Forensic Medicine
- 병리학교실 / Department of Pathology
- 비뇨의학교실 / Department of Urology
- 산부인과학교실 / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 생리학교실 / Department of Physiology
- 생화학. 분자생물학교실 / Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- 성형외과학교실 / Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- 소아과학교실 / Department of Pediatrics
- 신경과학교실 / Department of Neurology
- 신경외과학교실 / Department of Neurosurgery
- 안과학교실 / Department of Ophthalmology
- 약리학교실 / Department of Pharmacology
- 열대의학교실 / Department of Tropical Medicine
- 영상의학교실 / Department of Radiology
- 예방의학교실 / Department of Preventive Medicine
- 외과학교실 / Department of Surgery
- 응급의학교실 / Department of Emergency Medicine
- 의생명과학부 / BioMedical Science Institute
- 의생명시스템정보학교실 / Department of Biomedical Systems Informatics
- 의학공학교실 / Department of Medical Engineering
- 이비인후과학교실 / Department of Otorhinolaryngology
- 인문사회의학교실 / Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences
- 재활의학교실 / Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- 정신과학교실 / Department of Psychiatry
- 정형외과학교실 / Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- 진단검사의학교실 / Department of Laboratory Medicine
- 피부과학교실 / Department of Dermatology
- 해부학교실 / Department of Anatomy
- 핵의학교실 / Department of Nuclear Medicine
- 흉부외과학교실 / Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
- 간호대학
College of Nursing
- 문과대학
College of Liberal Arts -
- 국어국문학 / Department of Korean Language and Literature
- 중어중문학 / Department of Chinese Language and Literature
- 영어영문학 / Department of English Language and Literature
- 독어독문학 / Department of German Language and Literature
- 불어불문학 / Department of French Language and Literature
- 노어노문학 / Department of Russian Language and Literature
- 사학 / Department of History
- 철학 / Department of Philosophy
- 문헌정보학 / Department of Library and Information Science
- 심리학 / Department of Psychology
- 비교문학협동과정 / Comparative Literature
- 한국학협동과정 / Korean Studies
- 언어정보학협동과정 / Language and Information
- 상경대학
College of Commerce and Economics
- 경영대학
College of Business
- 공과대학
College of Engineering -
- 화공·생명공학부 / School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- 전기전자공학부 / School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- 건축·도시공학부 / School of Architectural and Urban Engineering
- 사회환경시스템공학부 / School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 기계공학부 / School of Mechanical Engineering
- 신소재공학부 / School of Materials Science and Engineering
- 컴퓨터·산업공학부 / School of Computer Science and Industrial Engineering
- 시스템반도체공학과 / Department of Systems Semiconductor Engineering
- 디스플레이융합공학과 / Integrated Display Engineering
- 디지털융합엔지니어링학과 / 디지털융합엔지니어링학과
- 지능형데이터·최적화학과 / 지능형데이터·최적화학과
- 배터리공학과 / 배터리공학과
- 생명시스템대학
College of Life Science and Biotechnology
- 신과대학
College of Theology
- 치과대학
College of Dentistry -
- 교정과학교실 / Department of Orthodontics
- 구강내과학교실 / Department of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine
- 구강병리학교실 / Department of Oral Pathology
- 구강생물학교실 / Department of Oral Biology
- 구강악안면외과학교실 / Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- 보존과학교실 / Department of Conservative Dentistry
- 보철과학교실 / Department of Prosthodontics
- 소아치과학교실 / Department of Pediatric Dentistry
- 영상치의학교실 / Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
- 예방치과학교실 / Department of Preventive Dentistry and Public Oral Health
- 치과생체재료공학교실 / Department of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering
- 치의학교육학교실 / Department of Dental Education
- 치주과학교실 / Department of Periodontology
- 통합치의학교실 / Department of Advanced General Dentistry
- 사회과학대학
College of Social Science
- 생활과학대학
College of Human Ecology
- 교육과학대학College of Sciences in Education
- 학부대학
University College
- 언더우드국제대학
Underwood International College (UIC)
- 글로벌인재대학
Global Leaders College
- 약학대학
College of Pharmacy
- 특수/전문대학원
Professional/Special Graduate School -
- 연합신학대학원 / United Graduate School of Theology
- 경영전문대학원 / Graduate School of Business
- 국제학대학원 / Graduate School of International Studies
- 정보대학원 / The Graduate School of Information
- 커뮤니케이션대학원 / The Graduate School of Communication and Arts
- 사회복지대학원 / Graduate School of Social Welfare
- 법학전문대학원 / Law School
- 교육대학원 / Graduate School of Education
- 행정대학원 / Graduate School of Public Administration
- 공학대학원 / Graduate School of Engineering
- 언론홍보대학원 / The Graduate School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- 법무대학원 / Graduate School of Law
- 생활환경대학원 / Graduate School of Human Environmental Sciences
- 경제대학원 / Graduate School of Economics
- 설립준비위원회 / 심리과학이노베이션대학원 설립준비위원회
- 설립준비위원회 / 인공지능융합대학원 설립준비위원회
- 보건대학원 / Graduate School of Public Health